For expert financial advice call our friendly team

Jenny Griffith

Financial Adviser
027 240 8389

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“I really enjoy working with a likeminded team who look after each other and really care about their job, workmates, and clients.”

Jenny is well known in the Wairarapa for her work at a local insurance firm, where for 12 years she worked as a Personal Risk Adviser, Fire and General Broker and Claims Manager.

Jenny grew up in the Wairarapa and has been involved in the financial services industry here since 1997. She brings to RIVAL Wealth, an excellence in customer service and the ability to get the best result for her clients. Jenny’s husband is a local commercial fisherman, and their 3 sons have now left home pursuing their own careers.

Jenny is a Financial Adviser (FA) and a member of the Institute of Financial Advisers. Jenny’s areas of expertise focus on rural, commercial, and domestic insurance, personal risk management, and ACC.