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A KiwiSaver investment is designed to help you save towards retirement.  Your KiwiSaver money is invested on your behalf by a KiwiSaver provider that you get to choose.  Our experts will help you with this process and keep you on track. Know your appetite for risk and take our risk profile check below.

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Not so keen on fluctuations?

A conservative investor – suits someone who is not so keen on seeing their investment move up and down. They may rely on a regular income from their investment and are prepared to accept lower returns. Investments will be mainly be fixed interest bonds, with a limited exposure to property and shares.


Middle of the road

A balanced investor – people in this category can tolerate more moderate movements in their investment. They do have a long-term strategy and are comfortable with a bit more risk. Their portfolio will generally consist of a range of property, shares and fixed-interest bonds.


The sky is the limit

A growth investor – these investors are willing to adopt a significantly higher level of risk. They are generally in search of potentially higher returns over the long term. Their investments will mostly be in property and shares, with a small exposure to fixed-interest bonds.

KiwiSaver investment meeting

Already have a KiwiSaver investment?

Complete a quick checklist to make sure you are making the most of your KiwiSaver investment. To find out what type of investor you are and what your appetite for risk is, complete our questionnaire below. We will then get in touch to let you know if you’re a conservative, balanced or growth investor.

Other benefits of KiwiSaver

While KiwiSaver is a long-term investment, you can take out funds towards your first home as long as you meet certain criteria.  

KiwiSaver investment meeting

Make sure you’re getting $521.43 of extra money each year! 

A KiwiSaver investment has substantial incentives for New Zealanders to save for retirement. There is a Government contribution you can receive, which is available to those aged 18-64 and who are living in New Zealand.

For every $1.00 you contribute, the Government will contribute 50c up to a maximum of  $521.43 annually. To receive this maximum amount, you must contribute at least $1,042.86 during the period 1 July to 30 June each year. If you can’t make the maximum contribution, you’ll still get a portion.  The $521.43 will be pro-rated to align with how much you have contributed.

If you’re unsure how to qualify, or have another KiwiSaver question just get in touch – we are here to help.

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