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Think about the future you

Mar 21, 2025Age 18-34, Age 35-54

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Top tips for the future you

The choices you make today shape the person you’ll become tomorrow. Every decision, big or small, contributes to your future. Whether it’s saving money, investing in education, or building healthy habits, these actions lay the foundation for your future success and well-being. Here are some helpful top tips.

  1. Live within your means: Avoid the temptation to overspend – spend less than you earn. You can have it all just not all at once!
  2. Health is wealth: Know your health span which simply means the length of time you are healthy, not just alive. No one has a crystal ball to know what is coming down the track, but what we can do is take good care of ourselves and put a plan in place in case our health span isn’t what we hope for.
  3. Prepare for the unexpected: Life can change in an instant. Be prepared for surprises by having a rainy-day fund
  4. Enjoy the journey: Life is not just about the destination. Enjoy every step along the way and have a good work-life balance.
  5. Start saving early: The power of compound interest is incredible. The earlier you start, the more your money can grow and give you options.

This information is of a general nature and is not intended as personalised financial advice. RIVAL Wealth is a Financial Advice Provider (FAP) licenced by the Financial Markets Authority to provide financial advice. Our disclosure document is located at or a written copy is available on request

Ages and Stages

Find the content related to where you are in life’s financial journey.

Age 18 – 34 years

Age 35 – 54 years

Age 55+

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